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如果你還在考慮NutriBiotic, 純正椰油皂,薰衣草&薄荷味,8 液體盎司(236 毫升)這個商品的話,我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買,就可以囉~~
- Made with Organic Coconut Oil
- Where Science Works Naturally
- Simple, Pure & Responsible
- Not Tested On Animals
- Certified Organic by CCOF
- Made Without Gluten
- Producing Quality Products for Over 30 Years
NutriBiotic Coconut Oil Soap is sourced from sustainable, certified organic coconuts. The coconuts are processed, without chemicals, to extract pure, virgin coconut oil. The coconut oil is then organically saponified with alkali per the National Organic Program, producing a soap of fatty acids and glycerin. This biodegradable soap is blended with citric acid for pH stability and packaged in a protective #2 HDPE container for easy use and recycling. Organic essentials oils of lavender, peppermint, and spearmint are added for a wonderful aroma. NutriBiotic Coconut Oil Soap provides a great cleansing lather.
NutriBiotic Coconut Oil Soap is made in small batches in our historic California facility, a CCOF certified organic processor.
- 床的世界
- Saponified coconut oil, water & citric acid
- Made with certified organic coconut, unrefined & non-gmo
- Sustainable, biodegradable & vegan
NutriBiotic, 純正椰油皂,薰衣草&薄荷味,8 液體盎司(236 毫升)
- 【比價】雅仕4+1燈吸頂燈團購@1@
- 【大對決】H&D 羅本銀杉三斗櫃折價優惠@1@
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- 【美國原裝】Aura Cacia, 芳香療法噴霧,茶樹精華,4液盎司(118毫升)直送台灣哪裡買?
- 【美國原裝】Babo Botanicals, New Born Gift嬰兒洗浴護膚套裝,燕麥牛奶和金盞花,3片直送台灣哪裡買?@E@
- 【美國原裝】Country Life, R-硫辛酸,100毫克,60粒直送台灣哪裡買?
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- 【美國原裝】Seaweed Bath Co., 全海藻排毒浴,2.5盎司(70克)直送台灣哪裡買?
- 【折價券】【Sato】DOLLY朵莉五抽單門SMART置物櫃 幅45cm這裡最划算@1@